Úvod – English

in our modern experience studio


How it works with us?

Make a reservation based on the number of people or artworks you wish to create. Come to the studio on time, and we will be waiting for you with protective clothing, a wide selection of drinks for your enjoyment, and option to choose your favorite music. Afterward, we will give you a brief introduction to the technique you have chosen, help you select the right canvas, colors, and tools, and then you can get started… Creativity knows no bounds, don’t be afraid of anything; sometimes less is more, and sometimes more is less. Most importantly, enjoy it!
After completing your artwork, we will label it, let it dry, and then it will either be packaged or given a final coat of varnish. You can then pick it up or, for a fee, we can ship it to you via courier.



  1. Colorful Swing – Colorful swing (pour paint into our specially prepared swing, spin the table, and swing the swing; let the rest be “up to chance”)
  2. Magic Strings – Magic strings (prepare a base, dip strings into paint, and let them paint for you)
  3. Blown Image – Blown image (pour colored veins, blow them, and you’re done)

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OUR adresS

Liquid Art Ateliér
Hrebienok Resort

Starý Smokovec 18100
Vysoké Tatry 06201

Call or write to us:

+421 (0) 901 720 070



Dream vision s.r.o 
Okružná 1017/1A
Svit 059 21

IČO: 50680277
VAT ID : SK2120416298